Interesting times…
I observed with keen interest how In Lagos, Opay bullied Gokada and how now both and others have been trumped by Government Policy. I also watched with dismay the Punch video interview of the owner of “Corporate Keke Guy” business. He was distraught and seemed to have no idea of what next to do.
In developing business plans (roadmap as we call it in our hood) Risks Analysis and Mitigation Strategies are vital regardless of the sector you operate in. Many business owners just put the risk factors in their plans (probably copied from other sources) without giving careful thought as to how they can impact on the business health if they indeed happen.
Risk analysis is not a joke, Risk mitigation is not a joke. Personally, I believe they are the most critical aspect and change in government policies should be one of your top three risk factors especially if you are operating in an unstable economic and political space such as Nigeria.
Be Smart. Review. Reassess. Watch Growth.
Mofoyeke Omole
Principal Consultant
#besmart #redberylconsulting #redzhero